Saturday, 3 May 2014

#10 - Space Marine Tactical Squad & Rhino/Razorback

I've been awfully busy this last week, hence the lack of activity. Since I have exams coming up in less than a month's time, updates will be somewhat sporadic, but I'll do my best to post a post every week with some meaningful content.

Anyway, onto today's stuff: a Space Marine Tactical Squad built for my currently non-existent Ultramarine army!

Cleaning, building and assembling all of these models has been tough, but the effort has been worth it and I'm satisfied with the results. I also managed to assemble the Razorback/Rhino and I look forward to painting it. Actually, come to think of it, I don't think I've painted a vehicle since five-six years ago, so it'll be an interesting learning experience!

Next update should be next week-end and I'll hopefully have five fully-painted Space Marines. Anyway, thanks for looking!


  1. That is one sharp looking squad, nicely trimmed and ready for paint! Can't wait to see them turn into Ultramarines!

    1. Thanks Eric! Hopefully I'll be able to sneak some painting time into my plan this week!

  2. Squad and vehicle are looking good. Im excited to see how they turn out

    1. Sorry for the delay! Thanks for the comment though, much appreciated :)


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